
Conditional Operator

Conditional Operator

The conditional (ternary) operator is the only JavaScript operator that takes three operands. This operator is frequently used as a shortcut for the if statement.


condition ? expr1 : expr2 


An expression that evaluates to true or false.
expr1, expr2
Expressions with values of any type.


If condition is true, the operator returns the value of expr1; otherwise, it returns the value of expr2. For example, to display a different message based on the value of the isMember variable, you could use this statement:

"The fee is " + (isMember ? "$2.00" : "$10.00")

You can also assign variables depending on a ternary result:

var elvisLives = Math.PI > 4 ? "Yep" : "Nope";

Multiple ternary evaluations are also possible (note: the conditional operator is right associative):

var firstCheck = false,
    secondCheck = false,
    access = firstCheck ? "Access denied" : secondCheck ? "Access denied" : "Access granted";
console.log( access ); // logs "Access granted"

You can also use ternary evaluations in free space in order to do different operations:

var stop = false, age = 16;

age > 18 ? location.assign("continue.html") : stop = true;

You can also do more than one single operation per case, separating them with a comma:

var stop = false, age = 23;

age > 18 ? (
    alert("OK, you can go."),
) : (
    stop = true,
    alert("Sorry, you are much too young!")

You can also do more than one operation during the assignation of a value. In this case, the last comma-separated value of the parenthesis will be the value to be assigned.

var age = 16;

var url = age > 18 ? (
    alert("OK, you can go."), 
    // alert returns "undefined", but it will be ignored because
    // isn't the last comma-separated value of the parenthesis
    "continue.html" // the value to be assigned if age > 18
) : (
    alert("You are much too young!"),
    alert("Sorry :-("),
    // etc. etc.
    "stop.html" // the value to be assigned if !(age > 18)

location.assign(url); // "stop.html"

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