

Hello World

En/Disable the mobile Wifi Access Point of the device.

app.SetWifiApEnabled( enable, ssid, key )

You can define a custom WiFi AP name and a password as credentials for other people.
It automatically disabled WiFi if it was enabled.

This method is available for Android 6 or older only!

See Also: IsWifiApEnabled, IsWifiEnabled

Example - WiFi Access Point

function OnStart()
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );

    tgl = app.CreateToggle( "WiFi Access Point", -1, 0.1 );
    tgl.SetOnTouch( tgl_OnTouch );
    lay.AddChild( tgl );

    app.AddLayout( lay );

function tgl_OnTouch( enable )
    if( enable ) app.SetWifiApEnabled( true, "DS Wifi AP", "mypass" );
    else app.SetWifiApEnabled( false );

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